reThink Children's Therapy Dunedin

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do reThink work with?

Our experienced team work with children up to 18 years old who present with a wide variety of needs. We take private referrals directly from families and have collabortive working relationships with a variety of organisations including:

  • ACC Training for Independence Services 
  • CCS Disability Action Early Intervention Service
  • Ministry of Education Awhi Mai, Awhi Atu Service
  • Oranga Tamariki
  • High & Complex Needs Service
  • Permenant Caregiver Support Service
  • Aoake te Rā
  • Kenzies Trust
  • Te Kahu Tōī

Whether you're a parent, caregiver or professional, please get in touch.

Do reThink only work with children in Otago & Southland?

People come from all over New Zealand to have their children assessed by our skilled team.

For locals we have a clinic based in Dunedin and our mobile therapists are available to work throughout Otago, Central Otago & Southland.

Online intervention can also be provided across New Zealand.

How much does it cost to work with reThink?

As we're a private provider there are variable costs associated with our services for families who wish to work independently with us. When you contact us we can help work out what you need and the associated fees. 

No co-payments apply for those referred by organsations fully funding our service. 

My child's needs are really complex, can reThink help us?

We're experts at working with children from very challenging backgrounds and pride ourselves on developing simple solutions in complex situations. We can provide a wrap around service that will support your child in the home, school & community.

Do you provide ACC funded services?

We hold a Training for Independence Tamariki & Rangitahi contract in Dunedin & the Clutha District. This means our interdisciplinary team provide community based rehabilitation to approved clients, funded by ACC. If your child has rehabilitation needs then let your ACC Recovery Team Member know that you'd like to work with us.

I'm a permanent caregiver, can reThink help me?

We have a working relationship with the Permenant Caregiver Support Service. You can access us when you make a plan with the PCSS and let them know we're your preferred provider.

I'm a professional, how do I make a referral?

The easiest way is to complete the referral form on this website. Our Referrals Manager will be in touch to answer any questions, provide you with a quote and organise the best support for the young person.

My child lost a friend/family member to suicide, can you help?

We have team members specially trainined to help your child/teenager through this very difficult time. We can work with you in person in Invercargill or online, it's your choice. This is a free service in partnership with Aoake te Rā.

Can I access reThink online?

We'd love to work with you online and lots of our services can be delivered this way.