reThink Children's Therapy Dunedin

How we can help.

Our experienced team provide a variety of assessment, diagnosis & intervention services that will support your child or teenager to reach their potential. 


Speech Language Therapy

Our speech language therapy team assist children & young people with communication, literacy, eating & swallowing.

Assessment Services

  • Literacy Assessment with dyslexia focus
  • Social Communication Assessment
  • Speech & Language Assessment
  • Dysphagia/Eating & Swallowing Assessment
  • ASD Diagnostic Assessment alongside psychology/clinical psychology
  • FASD Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Assessment
  • Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Assessment for children with high & complex education, health & disability needs

Intervention Services

  • Language delay
  • Speech & sound disorders
  • Literacy
  • Social communication
  • Alternative & augmentative communication
  • Fussy eating, feeding & swallowing